Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Current University Mac Infrastructure

Restoring Lion Image on Mavericks Hardware

via Deploy Studio

  • First test using quick format did not work
  • Now hard drive formatting at higher level to see if removes all data on drive before trying again (takes 3 hours to format via disk utility option 3)

Update Test Using ARD and Scripts

This is the current setup and works in testing:

Deep Freeze on 2 test machines set to thaw between 0.00 and 4am every day

4 tasks on ARD

  1. Update Flash at 0.30 every day (script on http://marjonmacsupport.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/script-to-update-flash-being-tested-to.html)
  2. Check for Any Updates at 1am (script on http://marjonmacsupport.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/unix-command-to-update-via-ard.html)
  3. Install rebind package at 3am
  4. Restart Clients at 3.40 am

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Refresh mcx settings from OD (group settings) via unix and ARD

sudo mcxrefresh -n ladmin

Send Unix Command via ARD to create new Deep Freeze schedule

DFXPSWD="normal" /Library/Application\ Support/Faronics/Deep\ Freeze/deepfreeze -u "admin" -p addSchedule "Software Update" -a on -d wednesday -b 18:00 -e 22:00 -o off -i on -l on -w 17:55 -m “Maintenance will begin in %d minutes.” -s off

Script to update Flash being tested to update via ARD


# Script to download and install Flash Player.
# Only works on Intel systems.

# Change working directory to /tmp

/usr/bin/cd /tmp

#download flash dmg. Yes I have agreed to all of the licensing terms and am fully compliant with everything in the whole world. Add -s to curl if you hate progress meters
echo downloading

/usr/bin/curl -O http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/mac/install_flash_player_12_osx.dmg

# Mount the install_flash_player_12_osx.dmg disk image in /Volumes

echo "`date`: Mounting installer disk image."
/usr/bin/hdiutil attach install_flash_player_12_osx.dmg -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen

echo "`date`: Installing..."

/usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "/Volumes/Flash Player/Install Adobe Flash Player.app/Contents/Resources/Adobe Flash Player.pkg" -target "/"

echo "`date`: Unmounting installer disk image."

# Clean-up

# Unmount the install_flash_player_12_osx.dmg disk image from /Volumes

/usr/bin/hdiutil eject -force /Volumes/Flash\ Player

# Remove the install_flash_player_12_osx.dmg disk image from /tmp

/bin/rm -rf /tmp/install_flash_player_12_osx.dmg