Tuesday, 11 February 2014

New Base Image created osx_mavericks_i386.dmg11_2_14

New Base Image created osx_mavericks_i386.dmg11_2_14 on svr-mac-francis

based on restore of osx_maverick_23_01_14i386.dmg

Already on image

Office (+Personalised)

English proj office personalisation
login script
flash updater

Deep Freeze - testing thaw periods and Apple Update Server

Mac mini with Jam 10.7.5  image (in mac test room)
  • DeepFreeze set to thaw at 0.00 till 4am every day
Mac Updated succesfully latest patches and application updates via svr-mac-agnes
Waiting to see on next Flash update test

  • Remote desktop on iMac (old Magdeburg) scheduled to install 'Rebind Jam' package at 2am every day - rebind the mac to AD

Mac mini with  Mavericks image

  • Dowloaded and installed trial Deep Freeze from faronics website (need new version for Mavericks which we don't have)
Currently testing

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Mavericks OSX Marjon Deploy Studio workflows (on svr-mac-francis)

Note: Include MS Office on image before taking back to server 

Mavericks OSX - what works -



All works except After Effects which needs to be updated from 11.0.2 to 11.0.4 to work on Mavericks

Need to download trial updater (AfterEffectsTrial-11.0.4-mul-AutoUpdate.dmg) and run after imaged

Live Music

All works but need to update:

Ableton Live from 8.34 to 8.4.2
Logic Pro from 9.1.7 to 9.1.8


All works

Instructions for Sportscode - http://www.sportstec.eu/news/256351/upgrading-to-os-x-mavericks

Marjon Mac Server List

svr-macaroon (OSX 10.7.5 mac-mini-server)
 - Open Directory Server - used to push out preferences to workgroups by Workgroup Manager

svr-mac-francis (OSX 10.7.5 mac-mini-server)
marianne (OSX 10.8.2 mac-mini-server)
- Deploy Studio servers used to create and image macs

svr-minervius (OSX 10.7.5  iMac server)
- mac printing queue server

svr-macarena (OSX 10.8.2 mac-mini-server)
- server used to share Media Live (Nathan)

svr-mac-urban (OSX 10.8.2 mac-mini-server)
- server used to share Sports Live (Ethan)

svr-macrina (OSX 10.8.2 mac-mini-server)
- server used to share Jam Live (Stefan)

svr-mac-agnes (OSX 10.9.1 mac-mini-server)
- Software Update Server

svr-magdeburg (OSX 10.7.5  iMac server)
- test network server (Casper Suite demo server)

Daffy (OSX 10.7.5  MacBook server)
- backup Deploy Studio and ISJ mac

Software Update Server

svr-mac-agnes.net.marjon.ac.uk (a mavericks server)

automatically downloads updates but not enabled at the moment

set 'Software Update' on Workgroup Manager on svr-macaroon (per group) to:

  • http://svr-mac.agnes.net.marjon.ac.uk:8088/index.sucatalog


Add scripts to /Library/Scripts directory of the image and to Workgroup Manager on svr-macaroon under Login-Items

  • loginsport.sh (for sport) etc
- automator loginscript created by ISJ & CM:

'mount and record who's logged in then unmount
mkdir /Volumes/BarbLoLo

mount_smbfs //AppleMacLogon:mount_smbfs-VolumeShare@barbara.net.marjon.ac.uk/Logonoff$/macs  /Volumes/BarbLoLo
dt5=$(date "+%d%h%Y")

printf "$USER, $HOSTNAME, $dt6\r\n">>/Volumes/BarbLoLo/on-$dt5.txt

umount /volumes/BarbLoLo

'load safari and show pages
open -a /Applications/Safari.app/ http://staffnews
open -a /Applications/Safari.app/ http://hub.marjon.ac.uk

'load shared drive
mkdir /volumes/shareddrive

mount_afp "afp://sportslive:sportslive@svr-mac-urban/Sports Live" /Volumes/shareddrive/

'create alias on desktop
/usr/bin/osascript > /dev/null <<EOT
tell application "Finder"
set macSrcPath to POSIX file "/Volumes/shareddrive"
make new alias file at desktop to macSrcPath
end tell
end try
  • personaliseoffice.sh

LaunchAgents (Library/LaunchAgents)

  Add the following to image under Library/LaunchAgents

  • com.mj.personaliseoffice.plist (oofice personlisation)

An agent is a process that runs in the background on behalf of a particular user. Agents are useful because they can do things that daemons can't, like reliably access the user's home directory or connect to the window server.

A launchd agent is like a launchd daemon, except that it runs on behalf of a particular user. It is launched by launchd, typically as part of the process of logging in the user.

A third party launchd agent should be installed by adding a property list file to the ~/Library/LaunchAgents directory (to be invoked just for this user) or /Library/LaunchAgents directory (to be invoked for all users).